
On the night of Saturday, November 3, 2012, we spotted a sweet kitten near our front porch and thought she must have belonged to someone in our neighborhood.  A  week later she was still wandering around unclaimed.  As night fall approached, the temperature dropped, I saw the same kitten in front of a neighbor's house.  I quickly told myself that I would house her for the night and would find an appropriate home or a no-killed shelter
for her.  I carried her home, then realized I had neither cat food nor a litter box.  I quickly called my neighbors who own cats and of course.....they kindly brought over some cat food and a litter box.  My daughter immediately fell in love with her and it didn't take me long to fall in love with her, too.  Well.....enough said, the rest is history.  As we all know, Miu Miu is now the new addition to our lovely family.  

Note:  Miu Miu a.k.a. Miuccia

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    I’m an atypical almost middle-aged girl who currently lives in a beautiful tiny town called “Spring Lake”, Michigan.  I’m not a full-time mom or a full-time wife (because I work full-time), but I’m a mom, a wife, an animal lover, a cook, a food addict, a former city girl, an aspired Bond girl, and etc…….  I was born in a magical faraway land so far away from Spring Lake.  The exact distant from my home town and Spring Lake is 8741 miles.  The best way to get there is to fly…..oh my….oh my not too much fun being on a plane that long.  Anyway, let’s see what I have in store for you.

    I love my pets, and they love me :)  My pets are my family, they make me smile, laugh, mad, and etc.....but they never talk back (unlike my teenage daughter).  All they have to do is just look at me and instantly I'm melted away.


    December 2012
    November 2012

