
Once upon a time, my daughter and her boyfriend were shopping for a pet with a huge budget of $20.  They wanted to get a hamster, but.....but where would the hamster live?  At his parents' house or at our house??  Anyway, they couldn't afford a hamster plus accessories with their $20 budget.  They learnt to compromise and ended up buying a beautiful blue beta fish instead.  Bubbles is a well behaved quiet little boy, he keeps to himself most of the time.  He's been getting along very well with Stella, but he forces to be more alert now with Miu Miu around.  He's been moved between the guest room and my daughter's room depending on where Miu Miu sleeps.  You know...a fish & a cat, one happy family, right..right??

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    I’m an atypical almost middle-aged girl who currently lives in a beautiful tiny town called “Spring Lake”, Michigan.  I’m not a full-time mom or a full-time wife (because I work full-time), but I’m a mom, a wife, an animal lover, a cook, a food addict, a former city girl, an aspired Bond girl, and etc…….  I was born in a magical faraway land so far away from Spring Lake.  The exact distant from my home town and Spring Lake is 8741 miles.  The best way to get there is to fly…..oh my….oh my not too much fun being on a plane that long.  Anyway, let’s see what I have in store for you.

    I love my pets, and they love me :)  My pets are my family, they make me smile, laugh, mad, and etc.....but they never talk back (unlike my teenage daughter).  All they have to do is just look at me and instantly I'm melted away.


    December 2012
    November 2012

