Yes, I am home sick today with several symptoms.....sore throat, allergy, sinus, and a tummy ache.  Am I becoming kaput??  The good news is I got to sleep and relax for most of the day which I believe that's what my body needs.  Stella has been itchy and scratching herself uncontrollably during the last few days; it is her allergy again.  I'll blame it on the Thanksgiving turkey again, she's not supposed to have any but somehow she did get some.  She ended having to go to her vet this evening to have the itch removed, poor dog!  She's now sleeping and snorting again as usual, but she's so cute, therefore, her laziness must be forgiven.  The vet also suggests that we bring Miu Miu in for a blood test before having her spayed and de-clawed since cats can have feline aids.  It sounds pretty scary, right?  It is not as scary as it sounds, it is very treatable (unlike the human kind).  The disease is only contagious among cats, it won't spread to human, or dogs, or other species.  Miu Miu will be scheduled to see the vet very soon, we know she's healthy, but we want to make sure everything's perfect with her.  I don't want any of my animals to be sad, I love them way tooooooooooo much!

11/27/2012 11:25:19 am

Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Get some rest and feel better soon, I need to bring baby over before he leaves on Saturday.

11/27/2012 10:44:08 pm

Please do, can't wait to see how big he is now :) BTW, I'm feeling better today!


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    I’m an atypical almost middle-aged girl who currently lives in a beautiful tiny town called “Spring Lake”, Michigan.  I’m not a full-time mom or a full-time wife (because I work full-time), but I’m a mom, a wife, an animal lover, a cook, a food addict, a former city girl, an aspired Bond girl, and etc……. I was born in a magical faraway land so far away from Spring Lake.  The exact distant from my home town and Spring Lake is 8741 miles.  The best way to get there is to fly…..oh my….oh my, not too much fun being on a plane that long.  Anyway, let’s see what I have in store for you.


    June 2013
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    December 2012
    November 2012

