 I have to run to a home improvement store to return a lantern that we planned on replacing, because it unfortunately doesn’t fit with the system that was established on the one we have, bummer!  I really like the one we just bought.  I’m sure a better lantern will come along if I’m destined to have a new one.  In the meantime, I’ll have to pick up some Christmas lights as well.  I can’t wait to decorate my house; it’s going to look like a homemade discotheque……how sweet!!

By the way, my daughter and I just adopted a sweet lost kitty (a.k.a. Miu Miu) into our home; it’s been a bit over a week now.  I’m so glad we found each other, although my husband seems to disagree with us.  Our bulldog (a.k.a.Stella), seems to be doing alright with the new member, she sniffs her here and there, just to make sure the new kitty is not an alien.

 Instead of me cooking tonight, Jets pizza will be our personal chef instead, so personal that they’ll allow me to specialize my own………half Hawaiian/half Jets Ten..yummy!!  

My lovely friend stopped over to drop off a bag of jasmine rice (the best rice in the world) for me, how nice of her!  She, my daughter, and I ended up having a fun conversation about her weekend Christmas shopping in Oakbrook, IL.  She was attempting to buy her husband a classic shaving kit for Christmas, I thought that was a terrific idea…….but….but she ended up not buying it because the shop manager couldn’t figure out the correct price for her….bummer.  I thought I was going to borrow her shaving kit (after she gave it to her husband for Christmas) to replicate one of the Skyfall movie scenes…..darn…..darn!!!!!!!!!!

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    I’m an atypical almost middle-aged girl who currently lives in a beautiful tiny town called “Spring Lake”, Michigan.  I’m not a full-time mom or a full-time wife (because I work full-time), but I’m a mom, a wife, an animal lover, a cook, a food addict, a former city girl, an aspired Bond girl, and etc……. I was born in a magical faraway land so far away from Spring Lake.  The exact distant from my home town and Spring Lake is 8741 miles.  The best way to get there is to fly…..oh my….oh my, not too much fun being on a plane that long.  Anyway, let’s see what I have in store for you.


    June 2013
    March 2013
    January 2013
    December 2012
    November 2012

