Joe has a superpower, he can certainly fly.
Joe's my most favorite brother, because he's my only brother....no no no, he's my favorite just because we get along so well.  We don't live in the same country; neither of us lives in our hometown.  First of all, I must mention that we didn't get along at all when we were young, we literally hated each other.  We fought constantly as if we were great enemies up until Joe came to school in the US.  Then the fight ceased, we were too far apart from each other to fight.  Fighting over an international date line would have been too ludacris and too difficult.  Joe and his wife just recently moved to Seoul, Korea.  His wife has been appointed as an attaché to the Thailand's Ministry of Commerce for a four-year term there.  I couldn't have been happier for them; they both are extremely happy about this awesome opportunity as well.  Most of all, I believe they deserve it.

Joe and I were roommates when we were in college here in Michigan.  I cooked and he did the dishes which worked out beautifully.  He sometimes did some laundry for me and ended up shrinking half of my clothes in the dryer.  I had to beg him to leave my laundry alone time after time, he finally got it due to the fact that he shrunk my most favorite skirt down to a size of a toddler.  I was furious.....so furious that I wanted to do some laundry for him and shrink everything he owned.  I threatened to destroy his stuff, if he continued to do my laundry against my will.  Since then, he's never touched my laundry ever again and it's been 22 years.  

We were together in Michigan for about 2 years, then Joe left to attend a graduate school in San Francisco...lucky him!!  It was
very sad for me when he left, he was my favorite brother and best friend after all.  I visited him in SF a couple of times before he headed back home after graduation.  Almost forgot to mention, Joe loves my daughter very much.  He spoils her rotten whenever we visit home.  We laugh over the most stupid, ridiculous, and non-sense things all the time.  Anything that nobody thinks it's funny; it's so dang funny to us especially if my childhood best friend is around.  We would laugh and laugh that I literally urinate my pants (a.k.a. pee my pants).  Joe would call me when he spots any stupid movies or shows on TV, because he knows I would enjoy those stupidities very much.  I miss hanging out with him so this blog is dedicated to Joe.....my brother.....my best friend.

Note:  Joe has always wanted to be James Bond, but he says he can never be Bond...James Bond because he's not British.....alrighty!

Takako Tsukada
12/17/2012 08:13:51 am

I remember you and Joe often cooked delicious Thai food for me, watched movies and studied together in Kalamazoo. You guys were always kind to me. I can' t tell my good memories at WMU without you. Thank you so much. I also appologize that I propably never cooked Japanese food for you!

12/18/2012 02:05:02 am

Hi Takako,

I always remember our good time at Western. You were always so kind to me as well. I miss you and our time together. We should have a reunion soon :)

Joe Siddhiteja
12/24/2012 11:37:59 am

Thank you so much for writing a story about you and I. It's very touchy and you almost made me cry.



12/25/2012 09:16:31 am

It was my pleasure writing about you, hope you enjoy reading the it. Talk to you soon!


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    I’m an atypical almost middle-aged girl who currently lives in a beautiful tiny town called “Spring Lake”, Michigan.  I’m not a full-time mom or a full-time wife (because I work full-time), but I’m a mom, a wife, an animal lover, a cook, a food addict, a former city girl, an aspired Bond girl, and etc……. I was born in a magical faraway land so far away from Spring Lake.  The exact distant from my home town and Spring Lake is 8741 miles.  The best way to get there is to fly…..oh my….oh my, not too much fun being on a plane that long.  Anyway, let’s see what I have in store for you.


    June 2013
    March 2013
    January 2013
    December 2012
    November 2012

