Christmas came at me very fast this year (and last year, and the year before), I find it hard to believe that the day is almost over.  It's been our tradition for about 4 years now that my mother in law stays over night with us here on Christmas eve and spends the rest of the Christmas day with us.  Before I get into our Christmas activities, let's go back to the day before Christmas eve for a little bit.  We had a great big dinner here with my MIL, my stepbrother IL, his wife, and his adorable almost brand new baby.  It was a great day, I say.  I made a few noodle dishes and Calidelphia rolls (see the food section for the recipe), they were all very yummy.  Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves quite well.  In the meantime, dare I mention.....Miu Miu the Kitten is in heat.  She went nuts the whole day making all kinds of weird noises and provocative sexy moves...yep very sexy moves.  How could an 8 month old kitten want to engage in some adult activity?  This doesn't make any sense and it makes me wanna pass out over and over again.  She's growing up way too fast.  Never in my life that I've heard such weird noises and moans...well...I guess I'm learning something new everyday.  I must admit this new experience is driving me off the wall, Miu Miu can go on and on for hours.  I'm sure she's driving herself off the wall too for not getting what she needs...poor kitten.  As badly as I feel for her, I absolutely cannot allow her to roam outside, I'm sure there are plenty of perverted male cats out there waiting to take advantage of my little Miu Miu.  I I cannot allow that to happen to her.  Also, I cannot have any more baby animals in the house...NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!  May be an alpaca??  I love animals but I can only have so many at a time, please do understand my circumstance.  Thank you very much.  (She's moaning and yodeling as we speak, no kidding!)

The Eve
 We (my husband, my daughter, my MIL,and I) went to our family friends' for the usual Christmas Eve gathering.  Our friend, Dr. B (one of the kindest/bestest human being on earth) had her usual honey baked ham and other fabulous fixings, they were so delicious.  Who in the right mind wouldn't like honey baked ham?  If you happen to know anyone who fit the "I dislike honey baked ham" category, please introduce them to me immediately.  I need to have a serious conversation with them.  Anyways, we visited with everybody in Dr.B's family last night and it was a very lovey one.  The visit also made me realize how much I adore and respect Dr.B.  We got home about 9 o'clock and I still had to make cinnamon rolls for our Christmas breakfast...no worry.....I had no problem tackling any cinnamon rolls.  As I was prepping for them, my daughter decided that we all should play Monopoly.  It sounded great but as we all know...one round of Monopoly could last 4-5 hours.  The game went on and on from 9:00 o'clock until 2:00 in the morning.  Despite the game, I managed to accomplish several things simultaneously.  I made my cinnamon rolls, I assisted Santa in putting presents under the tree (my daughter doesn't like to see her presents before the Santa's actual visit.), and last but not least I read my daughter T'was the Night before Christmas book during the game. What a talented mother I am!!  I'm so proud of me.

Merry Christmas
Although I wasn't ready to open my sleepy eyes yet, I was awaken by an excited teenager at about 7:30 a.m.  She woke up her grandma, her dad, and last but not least me.  She was very kind for giving me an extra few minutes to sleep in.  She couldn't wait to open her presents, her eyes were sparkling with joy and happiness.  The present opening ceremony went by very smoothly as planned.  My daughter was exceptionally pleased with every one of her present this year.  Whew...I just dodged the bullet as she could get pretty upset if some of the presents didn't meet her satisfaction.  My MIL was also very happy with her presents as well.  We all were very happy with our presents to be precise.  Stella the Bulldog and Miu Miu did very well with their presents as well.  Stella loved being part of opening every single present, she got very excited.  She loved helping my daughter out.  As for Miu Miu, she was very busy moaning and yodeling.  The Presents were opened, cinnamon rolls were baked, and ham & cheese omelette was also made.  What else did I need to do?  I needed to take to meat out of the fridge and thaw the lobster tails.  Our menu today was prime rib, lime butter lobster tails, mashed potato, glazed carrots, scalloped corn casserole, and cherry pie (recipes are to be posted very soon).  Everything turned out beautifully; the meat and lobster tails were perfectly cooked.  Everything was grand, I couldn't fancy a better Christmas dinner.  By the way, we watched the National Lampoon Christmas Vacation movie while waiting for the prime rib in the oven.  The movie was stupid but I love it.  I laugh every time I watch it and so far I haven't been sick of it yet.  We all enjoyed the movie including my daughter...surprise.....surprise!!!  Well...I'm getting extremely tired right now, but before my eyes are completely closed, I'd like to wish all of you the happiest Christmas.  May you enjoy the rest of the year and look forward to a great year to come.

P.S.  I heard somebody's got a Tiffany bracelet today?  Who's the lucky duck??

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    I’m an atypical almost middle-aged girl who currently lives in a beautiful tiny town called “Spring Lake”, Michigan.  I’m not a full-time mom or a full-time wife (because I work full-time), but I’m a mom, a wife, an animal lover, a cook, a food addict, a former city girl, an aspired Bond girl, and etc……. I was born in a magical faraway land so far away from Spring Lake.  The exact distant from my home town and Spring Lake is 8741 miles.  The best way to get there is to fly…..oh my….oh my, not too much fun being on a plane that long.  Anyway, let’s see what I have in store for you.


    June 2013
    March 2013
    January 2013
    December 2012
    November 2012

